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KWSR6Z9PDFFixed a problem where the repeating dates were displayed on the repeat tab for the accepted meeting.
KYOE6Q684WFixed a problem where garbled characters were printed on the calendar view PDF print on AIX or Solaris platform. This problem occurs when (1) "Use...
KYOE6W9CB2Fixed a problem where particular DBCS characters were not printed on the calendar view PDF print. This regression was introduced in...
LCDL6UWB7JPrior to this fix, a Domino Web Access warning ("Sorry, we were unable to process your request at this time....") was displayed after sending an...
MLEY6XTKJGFixed a problem where delegated secretary's actions were not reflected in managers mail file.
JKIG6SCLJEFixed a problem where the default calendar entry type setting was ignored when copying into a new calendar entry.
DWHR72DF3KFixed a DWA interoperability issue when sending invitations from a DWA release 6 user to a DWA release 7 user.
DYHG6Y94PLFixed a problem where the second attachment could not be uploaded when creating two calendar entries continually.
MROE6Y5RLYFixed a problem where calendar subfolders contained no documents.
ELUU6R5D8KFixed a problem where an update notice is always sent even if the chairperson selected to skip sending.
JKEY6Z8LDXFixed a problem where the alarm wouldn't work if too many entries were stored in the ($Alarms) folder.
NRBY6BES9CFixed a problem where accepted notices were not deleted from Notes when emptying deleted items.
NRBY6S2RFNFixed a problem where meetings and extended characters were missing from calendar entries.
MROE6N5M86When a delegated user moved a managers meeting to Deleted items, it should be reflected in the Manager's mail file.

When the delegate cancels a...
MROE6KALXMThe address book now sorts by Last Name, with the First Name by default.
MROE6UQLNKFixed a problem where documents with extended characters were displayed incorrectly when viewed in Microsoft Outlook.
PANN6F4E2PFixed a problem where the past time was displayed as the recommended meeting time in the DWA scheduler.
AJAN6UGRA4Fixed a Domino Web Access crash in an SAP application running environment. The crash occurred due to a corrupt mail file item.
KWSR6ZQJS7Fixed a problem where the repeating meeting could not be accepted if the repeating meeting was once accepted then declined.
THIO6XZD6PFixed a problem where an alternate name was not displayed on the schedule tab on the calendar entry. This regression was introduced in...
SPAL6S4FBWFixed a problem where the same dialog boxes appeared twice when updating a meeting.
NRBY69MTWUIf a canceled meeting notice was removed from Notes, it was not removed from DAMO.
BLEE6R6RY6In the iCalendar import dialog, the repeat rule information will be displayed rather than a list of dates.
NRBY72VJ6EFixed a crash when entering a folder name too long. This regression was introduced in 7.0.2.
MROE6ZAKH9Prior to this fix, UserA adds UserB as delegate to manage mail and calendar. UserB creates a new meeting in UserA's calendar. The new entry will...
LCLC6QRJSCError "Domino Web Access warning. Sorry, we were unable to process your request at this time..." was displayed after clicking on a new calendar...
SIWA6ZZ3R3Fixed a problem where the user name was not correctly displayed in the group calendar if other user names were already displayed in the same...
MIAS759KJEFixed potential HTTP server task panic when modifying a repeating calendar entry
NRBY739NNXFixed a problem when closing Microsoft Outlook where meeting processing kept Outlook and nwrdaemn running.


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